Time Waster Tuesday – Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

If you have about 42 minutes to spare today, I have a fairly awesome suggestion for how to spend it.

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.

Joss Whedon [executive producer and writer of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer fame] teamed up with his family to produce, write and direct an online musical. This musical, comprised of three acts, tells the story of a super villian who falls in love with the girl who shares his laundry schedule and later falls in love with his arch nemesis.

I can see you guys rolling your eyes and beginning to point your browsers elsewhere. So before you act all Judgey McJudgerson, just listen. The musical comes from Joss Whedon, who is amazing in so many different ways. Also, do you NOT remember the Buffy episode, Once More, With Feeling?? Because everytime someone watches that episode, baby Jesus laughs.

And if that doesn’t sway you, pay attention to the talented cast. Felicia Day [Buffy: The Vampire Slayer], Simon Helberg [MadTV, The Big Bang Theory], Nathan Fillion [Firefly, Desperate Housewives] and Neil Patrick Harris [all things awesome]. Yes, you read correctly. And he sings.

The musical is funny and awesome and is 45 minutes and you can watch it at your desk. So you really have no excuses. And you know what, I’ll even embed it for you right here. Enjoy!

Vodpod videos no longer available.
Head on over to the Dr. Horrible site to sign up for news [rumored sequel!], t-shirts and other items, or to watch it in a bigger format.

Head over to iTunes to download the songs or video. Doing this will automatically subscribe you to future installments.

And if you need more musical incredibleness, head over to Amazon to buy the “Once More, With Feeling” album.

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